Road Maintenance

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The RM of Snipe Lake is committed to ensuring our roads are safe and dependable for the residents, farmers, and other businesses who share them.  If you notice a road in our R.M. is in need of repair or maintenance, please send us an e-service request or contact the shop.

A request and a reminder! 

Commercial Heavy Truck Traffic is not permitted to use RR3201 to access Hwy 44,

please use designated CTP heavy haul road (RR3202/3203 S of correction line) or

grid road 3192/3193(S of the correction line)(Richlea grid) to access HWY 44.

Posted 2020/05/08


Vehicle Weights and Road Restrictions

Grain, oil, and other hauling on grid roads throughout the RM is regulated through weight restrictions, permitting, and temporary road bans when necessary.  These regulations help us to manage the wear-and-tear of steady commercial and industrial traffic on our gravel roads.  Please visit our Vehicle Weight Restrictions page for more information.